Session 1: To Till Or Not To Till?
February 26
3-5pm EST
How does regenerative differ from organic? We discuss the history and meaning of the two terms and how chemical companies claim the term alongside small diversified farmers that go beyond USDA organic. Most USDA “climate smart” agriculture funding has been given to chemical companies promoting “no-till” practices using herbicides and fertilizers. Is “regenerative” a useful term for moving chemical farmers closer to organic?
In the face of powerful greenwashing, this session explores the question of how to promote a united, worldwide movement for more sane agriculture… and quickly!

Mid-Week Session: To Be Announced
Date TBA
Some years we have interviews that we want to share the entirety of with our Symposium attendees. In the event we have too much content for our Sunday sessions, we will stream a mid-week session for free to the general public on our YouTube channel.

Sessions 2: Is Tillage Evil?
March 6
3-5pm EST
There is a dogmatic push to move all farmers toward “no-till” practices due to the increased awareness of soil health in farming. “No-till” outside of organic agriculture is equated with the practice of controlling weeds and terminating cover crops with herbicides. An unexpected side-effect of chemical “no-till” includes increased run-off of fertilizers and greater herbicide use, leading some scientists to wonder whether the focus on “no-till” is justified. On the flip side, some preliminary results of no-till in organic have shown lower yields and increased pest pressure.
In light of all these new findings, this session discusses what practices should we be encouraging farmers to adapt to mitigate climate change.

"I was riveted to each week’s broadcast. Sent out links to everyone I could think of. I loved coming to know the main characters and their voices, from different perspectives, through the course of the symposium, as they become new heroes. Each week’s focus made a case that seemed reason enough to go Organic but added up to a powerful, sweeping initiative with a million arms.
BLESSED UNREST! To consciously link them multiplies the effect."
-Rosalyn Driscoll
Thanks to:
Founders Circle Sponsors

Gaia Sponsors
Bob and Emmy Therrell
The Art of Medicine Foundation, Ken and Dr. Cindy LaRoe

Seed Sponsors
Peter R Boerma
Norman Broad and Carol Salomon

Heartland Study

Will & Lynette Raap
Scholarship Fund for Farmers and Students
Tom Sargent
Susan and John Fullerton