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February 26th, 2023

and March 5th, 2023

3pm - 5pm EST

A virtual series of talks with more than 30 prominent organic farmers, scientists, chefs, and climate activists.

Event Speakers

2 sessions

30+ speakers

Session 1: How Does Regenerative Differ From Organic?

February 26

3-5pm EST

We will discuss the history and meaning of the two terms. How have chemical companies worked to discredit “organic” while also embracing the term “regenerative”? Can both of these groups use the word without confusion and compromise? Finally, which version of regenerative are the billions of dollars in USDA funding for “climate smart” supporting? Can chemical companies that promote “no-till” practices using herbicides and fertilizers really be “climate smart”? 


In the face of powerful greenwashing, this session explores the question of how to promote a united, worldwide movement for a saner agriculture… and quickly!


Session 2: Is Tillage Evil?

March 5

3-5pm EST

There is a dogmatic push to move all farmers toward “no-till” practices for better soil health. But, are the concerns around tillage justified, given organic farmers have increased soil organic matter for decades with tillage and cover crops?  “No-till” outside of organic agriculture includes the termination of cover crops with herbicides, along with the continued use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. An unexpected side-effect of this chemical “no-till” includes increased run-off of surface applied fertilizers, soil acidification, and greater herbicide use. This has led some scientists to wonder whether the focus on soil health should be centered around the use of synthetics instead of tillage. 


In light of all these new findings, this session discusses what practices we should be encouraging farmers to adapt to mitigate climate change.

Buy Tickets

"I was riveted to each week’s broadcast. Sent out links to everyone I could think of. I loved coming to know the main characters and their voices, from different perspectives, through the course of the symposium, as they become new heroes. Each week’s focus made a case that seemed reason enough to go Organic but added up to a powerful, sweeping initiative with a million arms.


BLESSED UNREST! To consciously link them multiplies the effect."


-Rosalyn Driscoll


Founding Circle Donors

Thank YOU especially for this level of deep commitment to our work.

Abby Rockefeller
Charleigh Charitable Trust

Glenn E. Murer

Meshewa Farm Foundation

Harvest Supporters

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Peter and Mimi Buckley

Hunter Lewis Fountation

Jane and Bill Stetson Charitable Fund

Josef Tatelbaum Foundation 


Therrell Family Fund

Root Supporters

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Marjorie Roswell

Peter R. Boerma

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Seed Supporters

Carol & Ronald Ozaki

Jeffrey Miner

Kristin Howell

Marcia L. Kent

Mary Louise Pierson

Robert Reese

FairShare CSA Coalition

Clint Richmond & Suzanne Federspiel

Jerry Greenfield & E K Skare Foundation

Maryles V. Casto

McNamara Family Foundation

Whole Earth Center

Beth Glosten

Robert G & Ellen S Gutenstein Family Foundation

Farm Supporters

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